ams AS7026GG Biosensor is available at Mouser Electronics and is a smart health and fitness solution.
Date: 2019-09-12ams AS7026GG-WRISTBAND is available at Mouser Electronics and allows users to evaluate a wearable version of the Biosensor Solution.
Date: 2019-09-11ams AS7026GG Evaluation Kit is available at Mouser Electronics and evaluates all functions of the AS702x Vital Signs sensor and test them in various applications.
Date: 2019-09-10ams TCS3707 Evaluation Kit (TCS3707-EVM) includes everything need to demonstrate & evaluate the ambient light, proximity, & color sensing features of the TCS3707 Sensor Module.
Date: 2019-07-29ams TCS3707 Color and Proximity Sensor is a very-high sensitivity light-to-digital converter that features ambient light & color (RGB) sensing, proximity, and flicker detection.
Date: 2019-07-29ams AS5047U Rotary Position Sensor is designed to offer fast absolute angle measurement over a full 360º range.
Date: 2019-07-25ams TMG4903 Evaluation Kit (TMG4903 EVM REV. 2.0) includes everything needed to demonstrate & evaluate the gesture, ALS, proximity, IRBeam, & color sensing features of the TMG4903 Optical Sensor Module.
Date: 2019-07-25ams TCS3772 Evaluation Kit (TCS3772 EVM REV. 2.0) includes everything need to demonstrate & evaluate the Red, Green, Blue, & Clear (RGBC) light sensing features of the TCS3772 Optical Sensor Module.
Date: 2019-07-25ams TSL2591 Evaluation Kit (TSL2591X EVM) includes everything need to demonstrate & evaluate the Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) features of the TSL2591 Optical Sensor Module.
Date: 2019-07-24ams TMD3725 3-in-1 Color Sensor Module offers advanced proximity measurement, color sense (RGBC+IR), and digital Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) in a single compact package.
Date: 2019-07-22ams AS6500 4-Channel Time-to-Digital Converter is a device that calculates calibrated stop measurements.
Date: 2019-07-19ams AS5200L-MF_EK_AB Adapter Board is a printed circuit board that evaluates the AS5200L Position Sensors. AS5200L
Date: 2019-07-19ams AS6204-EK Adapter Board evaluates AS6204 digital temperature sensors without the need to design a custom printed circuit board.
Date: 2019-07-19ams AS6500-DK Development Kits evaluate the AS6500 4-Channel Time-to-Digital Converter.
Date: 2019-07-19ams TCS3701 Color & Proximity Sensor features ambient light and color (RGB) sensing in parallel with proximity detection.
Date: 2019-07-15ams TMD3702VC Color & Proximity Sensor Module combines proximity detection, color sense (RGBC+IR), and digital ambient light sensing (ALS).
Date: 2019-05-22ams Evaluation Kit for TMD3702VC includes everything needed to evaluate the TMD3702VC proximity sensor module.
Date: 2019-04-09ams AS7341 11-Channel Spectral Sensor Frontend is an 11-channel spectrometer for spectral identification and color matching applications in mobile devices.
Date: 2019-04-08ams AS7341 11-Channel Spectral Sensor Evaluation Kit is a platform to evaluate the ams AS7341 11-channel spectral sensor.
Date: 2019-04-08ams AS6204 IC Digital Temperature Sensor targets consumer applications such as laptops, cameras and tablets.
Date: 2019-01-01